

Edwin W. Pauley Fellowship

The Edwin W. Pauley Fellowship is a two-year fellowship program designed to provide fellowship support to beginning graduate students with outstanding records and promise of scholarly achievement.

  • $15,000 stipend (during years one and four only)

May receive a research assistantship or teaching assistantship support in addition to the stipend.

Eugene V. Cota-Robles Fellowship

The Eugene V. Cota-Robles Fellowship is a two-year fellowship program, which supports students who are entering PhD programs and are interested in a career in college or university teaching and research.

Applicants must be either U.S. citizens, permanent residents, or undocumented students who qualify for nonresident supplemental tuition exemptions under AB 540. Individuals from cultural, racial, linguistic, geographic, and socioeconomic backgrounds that are currently underrepresented in graduate education are especially encouraged to participate in the program. The intent of this fellowship is to provide access to higher education for students who might otherwise find it difficult or impossible to successfully pursue graduate study.

  • $21,000 stipend – 1st and 4th year plus Academic Apprentice Appointment (Research Assistantship or teaching assistantship, 2 years)
  • Year 2 and 3- Department funding via stipend, teaching assistant or GSR position + fees/ tuition.

May receive a research assistantship or teaching assistantship support in addition to the stipend.

Graduate Opportunith Fellowship Program (GOFP)

The Graduate opportunity Fellowship Program is a one-year fellowship program that supports a limited number of entering students pursuing terminal or professional master’s degrees or the JD.

Eligible applicants are US citizens, permanent residents, or registered California AB540 students.  Funding for the latter will be provided only if AB131 is still in effect for the duration of the fellowship. Students pursuing doctoral degrees (e.g., PhD, MD, DDS, etc.) are not eligible for funding.  Individuals from cultural, racial, linguistic, geographic, and socioeconomic backgrounds that are currently underrepresented in graduate education are especially encouraged to apply.

  • Awardees receive a $20,000 stipend plus tuition (and nonresident supplemental tuition if necessary).

Fellows may not be employed during the first term of this fellowship.

UCLA Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences – Research Assistantships

Research Assistants are selected for high achievement and promise as creative scholars to assist faculty members with scholarly research. They may or may not collaborate in the publication of research results as determined by supervising faculty member.

UCLA Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences – Teaching Assistantships

Teaching Assistants are selected for their scholarship and promise as teachers. They may supervise teaching assignments in small sections of undergraduate courses or laboratories.

Additional fellowships, scholarships, and grants for entering and continuing students can be found on the UCLA Graduate Education website under Funding.