A new article by AOS PhD Candidate, Laura Thapa, reveals the need for models with accurate heat flux and boundary layer heights to correctly forecast smoke plume injections. In her recent blog post, she explores more on the study and her experience during the FIREX-AQ campaign gathering data used for the publication.
“Our work will help improve fire-related air quality forecasts (particularly real-time, publicly-available models like HRRR-Smoke), which will become increasingly important in a hotter, drier, and more fire-prone world,” says Laura. To read the full blog post, click the link below.
Laura’s blog post: https://earthenvironmentcommunity.nature.com/posts/burn-baby-burn-properly-estimating-fire-intensity-improves-estimation-of-wildfire-smoke-transport
Full Article: https://www.nature.com/articles/s43247-022-00563-x