AOS Associate Professor Aradhna Tripati Confirms Study Showing Glaciers on Greenland over 35 Million Years Ago


When AOS Associate Professor Aradhna Tripati first authoried her study suggesting ice had been present in Greenland 35-40 million years ago, it flew against the commonly held belief that glaciers first appeared 5-11 million years. The study which was published in 2005 in the journal Nature Communications, was considered controversial. Why had Tripati come with these findings, and similar observations were not found by other studies? Her paper was regarded as an outlier rather than a breakthrough in climate science and geology.

Tripati had confidence in her findings and in 2014 worked with Dennis Darby, an Arctic paleoclimate specialist at Old Dominion University, using new samples taken from broken off from Greenland Sea icbergs from glaciers of the island. Using the new samples corroborated the original study that Tripati had found and the pair published the new findings this year on Nature.

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