Donglai Ma

About Donglai

I am a Ph.D. student in space physics (UCLA), working with Prof. Jacob Bortnik at Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences.

I graduated from USTC (Gifted Young Class) with two BS degrees in space physics and computer science in 2019. I grew up in Liaoning province, China, and attended Dalian Yuming High School.


My research interests lie broadly in the space weather and plasma dynamics in Earth’s near-space environment. I utilize a combination of theoretic approaches and explainable machine learning methods to model the electron flux of the Earth’s radiaiton belts. I am also interested in data-driven discovery in the dynamic system to accelerate scientific insights from the increasingly abundant data from satelites. I use massively parallel particle-in-cell simulations together with theory to study nonlinear wave-particle interaction in Earth’s magneotsphere.

