Dr. Jinxing Li

About Jinxing Li

My research centers on the dynamics of energetic particles and various waves in the Earth’s magnetosphere and magnetopause in response to the solar wind and geomagnetic activities. Our work involves analyzing particle and wave data from many spacecraft (Van Allen Probe, THEMIS, MMS, etc.), performing numerical simulations (test particle, particle-in-cell, etc) and building models using machine learning (ANN, CNN and RNN/LSTM).

My PI projects include:

1) Generation of banded chorus waves in magnetosphere.

2) Modeling ring current ion distribution using machine learning.

3) Explore characteristics and source of microinjections. 

Personal Page: https://sites.google.com/site/jinxingli87

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=hxd_4oEAAAAJ&hl=en

Email: jxli87@ucla.edu